Please report any bugs to
Download FLOPP source then compile it :
tar xzf flopp.tar.gz
cd flopp
tar xzf flopp.tar.gz
cd flopp
nmake /f Makefile.win32
Your floppd executable has been built if no errors occured. Please report any program-side errors to FLOPP Development Team
Create your flopp.conf and places it either in FLOPP working directory, in /etc or /usr/local/etc.
server <nom> {
[listen [ip:]<port>;] [timeout <sec>;] [logfile <filename>;] [maxclients <nbclients>;] [stats on;][accesslist {in|out|stats} default {deny|permit} {[{deny|permit} <ip> <netmask>;]}]
server <nom>;
Defines a new POP proxy to generate by floppd.
listen [ip:]<port>;
Defines the TCP port on which FLOPP will listen. By default, this option is set to 110. You may also defines the server IP to bind flopp on.
logfile <filename>;
Defines the name and path of log file. Typically set to flopp.log.
maxclients <nbclients>;
Defines the maximum number of simultaneous connected clients. Depends on needs and server. By default, this option is set to 40.
timeout <seconds>;
Defines the number of seconds before timeout of client-to-proxy connection, or proxy-to-popserver connection. Typically set to 60.
stats on;
Activates the STATS command, in order to get statistics on use of server. Notice however that stats are activated only when the stats access list has been defined.
General syntax :
accesslist {in|out|stats} default {deny|permit} { ... }
Defines if in (client->flopp), out (flopp->server), and stats ACLs allows or denies connection attempts by default.
{deny|permit} <network> <netmask>;
Defines if a network is allowed or denied in current ACL.
If you want to allow clients from to be proxied to any POP server except, you may create these ACL:
accesslist in default deny { permit; }accesslist out default permit { deny; }
FLOPP home page is hosted by AMC-OS.COM (c)Copyright, 2003-2004, Aurélien Méré |